About Shireen
Shireen is a leader in compassion cultivation for physicians and a Certified Compassion Cultivation Teacher. She is an actively practicing Family Physician with 25 years of experience Over this time she has provided comprehensive care to her family practice, and has also worked as an emergency physician, provided intrapartum care, performed obstetrical ultrasounds, participated in remote travel clinics and worked as a GP oncologist. She has served as a representative to the CMA board, served as a Medical Director in her health authority, and is the medical lead for HOUSEOB point of care ultrasound training through UBC.
Having had experience as a clinician, a leader and a patient in the system, she believes deeply in the power of compassion to support patients and health care providers. She believes that compassion can be cultivated, sustainable, and an antidote to burnout. In 2019 she began teaching Compassion Cultivation and is passionate about finding ways to support physicians to thrive in their work.

Photo: Angela Gzowski